Importance of Cat Tails

Lightweight, never degrade, edible and can be used as tinder. During my time in early access, the Cat Tail was a surprising useful natural source that can be picked(typically found around a body of water). In Sandbox I believe they also respawn but I’ll wait until 1.0 to verify if that is the case.

While other foods degrade, the Cat Tail will survive and at 0.05kg they really help with keeping control of encumbrance. So easy to overlook these when stashes of can goods are at hand. Yet having a handful of these in your pack could just save you from the cold or starvation.

Although I can’t vouch if this is a reliable list, I found 6 Survival Uses for Cattails fascinating. It just goes to show that Hinterland Games have worked hard to ensure details of flora are reliable in The Long Dark.
